We take the cleanliness of our gym very seriously.
Whenever you have a contact sport like Jiu Jitsu you are at risk of catching and spreading various skin infections. If not treated correctly these skin infections can lead to serious medical problems and even require hospitalization. The academy is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before and after every class but you must do your part to protect the safety and health of your peers. Please read the guidelines below and do your part to keep the academy a clean and safe environment.
- Wash your gi and other gear after every class. You should never reuse a gi across several days without washing it.
- After class shower ASAP using a tea tree based soap.
- If you can, shower before training if you get dirty or sweaty at work.
- Do not come to class wearing uniform, get changed at the gym.
- Disinfect Muay Thai gear after each class.
- Do not leave mouth guard in training area.
- Keep finger and toe nails short.
Monitor your skin.
If you see any inflammation, redness, blisters, or unusual marks on the skin please inform your coach and go to your doctor for a check-up.
- Look after your peers. If you get a skin infection, tell your instructor. This is common in MMA and no one should feel embarrassed or ashamed, just tell us and we can help!
- If you notice skin infections on someone else, say something to them, and tell your instructor.
- Monitor cuts and open wounds. Whenever you have a cut or open wound keep a close eye on it and make sure you bandage the wounds to the best of your ability. Once you’ve finished training use a disinfectant spray to ensure no bacteria has gotten into the wound.
- As an additional precaution, especially when training no gi, wearing a long sleeve rash guard and leggings under shorts are recommended. The more layers you have between your partner and the mats the lower chance you have of getting an infection or having your arm scratched and leading to an open wound.